Birdwatching in the Great Ferns Park

  • Weekdays
  • Weekend
  • Accompanied
  • Fauna - flora
Parc des Grandes Fougères, 98881 Farino
Enjoy the endemic birds of the Grandes Fougères park with an expert !
With a pair of binoculars, explore this fascinating world of birds in the rainforest.
Visit designed for all public : novices or keen birders
Immerse yourself in the world of birds, listen to them singing, calling each other, or look at them flying, looking for food or preening their feathers in this hot spot for biodiversity : the Tree Fern park.

Equipped with binoculars and telescope, Isabelle will make you discover the fascinating caledonian birds which have developped incredible surviving strategies over time.

Expert guide, she shares her passion for birds with great enthousiasm and professionnalism. She will guide you...


4-hour discovery tour: from 5,000 XPF/person (based on 4 people)
8-hour discovery tour: from 10,000 XPF/person (based on 4 people)
Tailor-made prices to suit all requirements.
Entrance to the park not included.


All year 2025 - Closed on monday


Birdwatching in the Great Ferns Park
Parc des Grandes Fougères, 98881 Farino
Contact Birdwatching in the Great Ferns Park
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Spoken languages
  • German
  • English
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Forest location
  • Mountain view
  • Isolated
  • River 5 km away
Updated on 13 January 2025 at 16:19
by Nouvelle-Calédonie Tourisme
(Offer identifier : 5516087)
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