SMK Transport

  • Tourist transport
  • Tourist buses
Tribu de Touaourou, BP 43 98 834, 98834 Yaté
Planning a stay in the Grand Sud and want to explore Yaté? We present to you: SMK Transport! Settle comfortably into Djémyla and Chanel's shuttle and embark on a journey to discover the Grand Sud and explore the region!
Located in Yaté, in the Touaourou tribe, SMK Transport offers tours in the tribe as well as in the Grand Sud!

Djémyla and Chanel offer two circuits starting from the Gîte Iya and the Kanua Hotel, called [insert tour names here].

Escape into the tribe to discover:
✅ Remarkable sites rich in history and heritage
✅ Social life through the hierarchical organization (chiefdom, clan, festivals, etc.)
✅ Traditional dishes featuring a delicious bougna accompanied by seafood
✅ Cultural...


Set down on-site for groups


All year
08:00 - 17:00

08:00 - 17:00

08:00 - 17:00

08:00 - 17:00

08:00 - 17:00

08:00 - 17:00

08:00 - 17:00


SMK Transport
Tribu de Touaourou, BP 43 98 834, 98834 Yaté
Contact SMK Transport
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  • French
Updated on 13 January 2025 at 16:17
by Sud Tourisme Nouvelle-Calédonie
(Offer identifier : 6090002)
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